Thursday, September 01, 2005

Totally Random Collection of Thoughts

I think that digital scrapping is spoiling me! I was all excited today to go to our big Target to check out the scrapping supplies - they've gotten some Heidi Swapp, Memory Makers, Lil Davis, etc. I get there and the stuff was in, but I didn't find a thing to take home. - I was so sad! Some of it just wasn't as good as what I'm able to get from the digi-designers. Other stuff (like Heidi Swapp plastic alphas) I thought were cute, but then I thought - "I'm going to pay $6 and use it once?" I just couldn't do it. So after driving across town for scrapbook supplies I struck out - but I did get a very cute brown sweater that will go with half the things I own - I really like brown :)

Also - if I haven't told you - I love Chinese food! I picked up take out from Old Peking (the best place in Tucson by the way) on the way home and it was so good! I worked at a Chinese and Korean restaurant for several years during and after college and ate there everyday, so you'd think I'd be sick of it, but I still love it. It's been a while since we've gotten it, so today was a real treat - Shrimp with Vegetables and House Special Lo Mein! Yum!

Finally - I found out today that I'm on the schedule to sing for the praise team at church this Sunday. I love doing it, but I've had a cough/cold for the last week and a half and still have a pretty sore throat. I'm hoping I'll be up for it by Sunday, because I hate to pass it off, plus I'm scheduled to sing with my favorite teammate. We always have so much fun singing together! I think I'll just have to drown my pain with Tylenol cough syrup and tough it out :)

See, totally random!

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