Saturday, September 03, 2005

Human Nature

There are many beliefs about the nature of humanity. Mormons believe that each of us carries the light of Christ. The Reformed believe in total depravity - the idea that by our nature we hate God and our neighbor. I am always torn between the two. I have been watching the coverage of Katrina and see evidence of both.

I see the light of Christ in the compassion of ordinary citizens in reaching out to their fellow man - people giving food, clothing and shelter - even when they don't have much themselves. People risking their own lives to try to help rescue others. I see it in the outpouring of generosity by people from across the country in giving to the Red Cross and other organizations who can help. I see it in people who have opened their homes to total strangers.

On the other hand I see the depravity of man in the fact that it took us five days to go to the aid of those that we told to go to the Superdome and Convention Center for safety and then left there to fend for themselves. I see it in the violence and crime taking place. I see it in the racism and disregard for the poor that likely caused it to take our government five days to get there. I see it in the finger pointing between government officials to try to defend their poor response. I mean, seriously, we didn't go because the governor didn't ask properly - was there a magic word she was supposed to use? We all saw this storm coming, they knew that thousands of people would be unable to leave and yet nothing was done.

In 2005, in the richest country in the world it's just unacceptable that our citizens - individuals with inherent value as human beings - image bearers of God should be reduced to this and left to die in the streets. I hope that we have turned the corner in this situation and that we can do right by those who have lost so much in this disaster.

If you want to help there are lots of options out there. is having a half off sale and donating its profits to the Red Cross through Sunday. The will have a huge kit for Katrina relief available tonight or tomorrow. Stop by and give generously!

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