Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Is it 5 yet?

Today is really dragging on! I have a rather tedious case at work right now and I'm having a hard time making myself work on it. There's something about a five part statutory test that really puts a girl to sleep! But, I'm forging ahead - hopefully I can finish in the next day or two. On a brighter note, I made a Costco run at lunch to get some new trash bags and a city map. While I was there I found some really yummy-looking mushroom burgers! Vegi-burgers can be really good or really bad, so we'll see, but I'm excited to try them! Costco is an odd scene during the day though - I saw a lot of retirees who just seemed to be hanging out there - getting some samples and burning some time. Kind of a weird way to pass the day if you ask me, but to each their own I suppose LOL. As much as retirement appeals to me at times (like today LOL) I don't know if I'll actually be able to hack it when the time comes. I'm just too easily bored without something I have to do! Okay, back to work, this thing isn't going to write itself!

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