Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a Fun Process!

It's been a while since I've been invovled in a scrapping contest and although I didn't realize it, I've really missed it. I made it to round 2 in the Scrapartist Apprentice contest this week and that's always a great feeling :) Plus, I've really enjoyed the process in this contest - I've really let myself take the time to revel in a bit of stewing on my designs! So, for the last few days, I've been filtering ideas and letting things simmer in my head a bit (it sounds like I'm cooking something here doesn't it LOL!). For this round, they've asked us to create a solid paper and a patterned paper with an emphasis on texture - they even gave us some gorgeous inspiration to start from :) I've settled on what I want to do for my solid paper now, just have to decide on a pattern for the patterned paper. The entries already up are gorgeous by the way - there is gonna be some tough competition in this round! Be sure to check them out :)

On another scrapping-related point, I saw on Anna Aspnes blog that she has a new pre-made album coming to Designer Digitals Sunday and it looks really cool! Lots of layering, brushwork, etc. - all that fabulous Anna style! I'm not usually one for templates and ready-made albums, but this is gonna be an exception :)

Oh, one more thing, we finally joined Netflix (which is great by the way!) and I got RV this week. I tried to watch it, I really did, but I only made it about 45 minutes before I couldn't take anymore. I love Robin Williams, so it made me sad, but it just really wasn't good. Batman Begins is in the mail to us right now - hopefully it will be better :) I like a good comicbook/superhero movie, so I'm hopeful! Which also reminds me, Heroes was great on Monday night! Another show to add to my list of things I can't miss - right now that list has only three other occupants (The Office, Project Runway and How I Met Your Mother), so it's time for some new blood :)

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