Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Excitement all around!

First today I want to congratulate our new team members at the Digichick! Welcome to Robin (SweetandSassyMommy) and Michelle (Rynonut Mom)! You won a tough competition!

And my big excitment - plane tickets to Michigan! We're going to visit my family for a long weekend at the end of the month - I'm so excited. We've been talking about going in the fall for several years now and we started thinking about it again this summer, but I didn't think we'd actually pull it off. It's always tough to get time away - both of us getting off of work - and then coming up with the funds for travel too. But, this year things pretty much fell into place. I got called for jury duty the week we wanted to go, but they were great about changing my date and we both got the time off. So, off to Grand Rapids we go!

We're flying into Chicago too so I'm hoping Bob can finally see more of the city too. We went once for my brother's wedding, but he really only saw O'Hare and the suburb my sister-in-law's family lives in. He keeps saying he likes Detroit better - that is just insane!!!! (although I think he mainly does it to tease me LOL) Chicago is such a beautiful city, I'm really excited for him to really see it! I hope we get some fall color too - he's very excited for that. I can't wait to see my family and especially my little niece!

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