Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why I'm Lovin' Today

Lots of reasons to love today! First of all Michelle has announced a great new contest using her newest paper set - which totally rocks! The winner gets a GC to Scrapartist - you can't wrong there! And, I'm loving the papers in their own right - they're gonna be great for the art journaling I want to start doing. Lisa Cohen led a great chat at Scrapartist last night on art journaling - lots of great ideas and of course books to buy.

That leads me to reason number two for loving today - I'm planning a trip to Borders after work to pick up "Visual Chronicles." I'm very excited to dig into that one! And, conveniently enough, I will have a chance to get to Borders because we're having a little after work party and it's right on the way! Plus, I get to leave work a little early for said party. All in all, it's a day worth loving!

Also, since I haven't blogged in forever, a little Easter update is in order. It was great - on Saturday we went out to eat and played miniature golf with Bob's family and on Sunday we had our big dinner with them too. Church was nice too - I was on tap to sing in the praise team this week and we got to sing lots of great Easter hymns and one of my favorite newer songs "In Christ Alone." Love it when we get good tunes to sing!

By the way, I think I'm gonna make "Why I'm Lovin' Today" a bit of a regular feature. I used to keep a gratitude journal and I loved doing it, but I've kind of fallen off with it. So, I'm thinking I can do a bit of that here - it really helps with the old attitude :)


Lisa said...

Always a treat to catch up on your blog Lisa. Sounds like everything is going great for you and your family. BTW, I love your Avatar photo. You smile is so infectious that I can't help but smile when I see it.

TTFN ~ Lisa :)

Anonymous said...

I like the "Why I'm Lovin' Today" as a daily thing. We should try to make it a blog regular!
